The wicked ones that do your head in, where being logical doesn't help and being right is irrelevant?
Maybe you're trying to get two teams to play nicely in the sandpit together, or looking for a way to keep your burnt-out group motivated and engaged. Perhaps you have to get a diverse group of stakeholders to approve a proposal, or a company to adopt a new IT or change process.
You might need a promotion, to handle a micro-managing boss. To organise a family holiday. A wedding. A divorce. A new baby. Five lovers and a bunny-boiler of an ex. Or just to convince your teenager to occasionally clean their floordrobe.
Maybe you're trying to get two teams to play nicely in the sandpit together, or looking for a way to keep your burnt-out group motivated and engaged. Perhaps you have to get a diverse group of stakeholders to approve a proposal, or a company to adopt a new IT or change process.
You might need a promotion, to handle a micro-managing boss. To organise a family holiday. A wedding. A divorce. A new baby. Five lovers and a bunny-boiler of an ex. Or just to convince your teenager to occasionally clean their floordrobe.